
Engin Bozaba

Machine Learning Engineer | Author | Consultant



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Please,click on the relevant button to view the positions in detail.

May 2020 – Present

• Designing, developing, training and evaluating novel deep learning models related to object detection and instance segmentation for use cases of digital pathology. • Managing AWS for deep learning projects • Developing an in-house AI Data System.

Feb 2020 – May 2020

• A pytorch-based data loading and pre-processing library was developed for deep learning models. • Stain normalization to the reference tissue was performed on histopathological images.

Feb 2021 – Present

• End-to-end Data Science with Python (Turkish)

Jun 2018 – Present

•Python for Data Science was published. Numpy, pandas and matplotlib libraries, which are frequently used in data science and machine learning, were discussed with Jupyter Lab on projects. There are more than 20.000 registered students from 50 countries.


Machine Learning Computer Vision Deep Learning Amazon Web Services(AWS) REST API Python C++ R Anaconda Pytorch NumPy Pandas Matplotlib Seaborn sckit-learn FASTAPI Flask PostgreSQL Redis MongoDB CUDA C++ Programming Docker Git Bootstrap 5.0 JavaScript jQuery


Nuclei Detection on Breast Cancer Histopathology Images Using RetinaNet (SIU'21) Patch-Level Nuclear Pleomorphism Scoring Using Convolutional Neural Networks(CAIP 2021 )